Antimicrobial Resistance on Smallholder Farms

Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a topic of global health concern, both for human and animal health. Although links between AMR in humans and animals exist, their significance is debated and warrants further investigation. Whilst AMR in livestock species has been studied in the context of commercial farms, little work has been done on farm pets and smallholding farms. Given the differences in management in these systems (e.g. feeding, physical contact, regulation), antimicrobial use and the risks of AMR development and transmission on smallholder farms are likely to be different to those previously studied in commercial farming enterprises.

The AMR Force research group at the University of Bristol leads the UK in examining AMR in farming communities. This research will seek to address some of the questions above by exploring which medicines smallholders use as well as how and why they use them. The project will also measure levels of AMR on smallholding farms and look at risk factors that might be affecting levels of AMR so that interventions to reduce AMR on farms can be developed and both animal and human health can be protected.

The Langford Trust for Animal Health and Welfare is supporting this important work.

If you are interested in helping address AMR in both humans and animals, please if you can


Further AMR Force research work at Bristol Veterinary School


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